All Rentals Include

Free Delivery

All rentals include free delivery within the City of Prince George. (Outlying areas are subject to additional charge.)


Your job is to relax! We take care of the setup, show you how to use it, and provide a quick safety demonstration.


No need to buy expensive bags of gas station wood! Each rental comes with enough firewood to keep you toasty!

Rental Rates


Looking for a 24-hr rental for a special occasion or event?  Delivery times are flexible to optimize your use!

Work Week

Looking to relax after a hard days work? Try our Mon-Thurs work-week special!


The always popular weekend rental period spans from Friday after 5pm until Monday at 9am. 

7-Day Rental

Going to a cabin on the lake? Why not have a sauna there all week too!?

Gift Cards

Gift a meaningful sauna experience! 

Need Something Custom?

Longer term rentals and unique propositions can be discussed.

Reserve your sauna rental today!

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